
Apple pekar åt Samsung i tidningsreklam om miljöhänsyn

Som ett led i Apples firande av Earth Day släpptes en video med Tim Cook som berättarröst och även i tidningsannonser uppmärksammar Apple sitt miljöarbete. Dessutom passar de på att peka åt Samsung genom att säga att detta är idéer de gärna ser andra företag kopiera.


There’s one area where we actually encourage others to imitate us. Because when everyone makes the environment a priority, we all benefits. We’d be more than happy to see every data centre fuelled by 100% renewable energy sources. And we eagerly await the day when every product is made without the harmful toxins we have removed from ours.

Of course we know we can continue to do better. We’ve set some pretty ambitious goals for reducing our impact on climate change, making our products with greener materials and conserving our planet’s limited resources. So the next time we come across a great idea that can help leave the world better than we found it, we look forward to sharing.

[via: http://9to5mac.com/2014/04/22/apple-teases-samsung-in-new-environmental-print-ad-there-are-some-things-we-want-every-company-to-copy/ “5to5Mac”]
[source: https://twitter.com/DavidMcClelland “David McClelland”]

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